Conqueror Challenge 2023 – January Update

Like many others, I started running during lockdown when we were only really able to leave the house for exercise. I started Couch to 5k on 8th June 2020, but due to my health issues I decided to allow myself do each week 4 times to help myself not overdo it. I completed it in 26 weeks, 3 runs a week. I really recommend the app if you want to get fit, but spoilers, I was in no way doing 5km in the 30 mins advertised by the app, and still have not made that pace ever. I am very slow.

To my great surprise, I kept up the running after the app, aiming for 3 times a week but averaging somewhere over twice a week. I have worked up to a goal of two 5km runs a week plus a third ‘wild card’ fartlek. I alternate these between 1) run for 1 minute walk for 1 minute x 10; 2) run for 3 minutes walk for 2 minutes x 5; 3) run for 2 minutes walk for 1 minute x 6; and 4) run for 5 minutes, walk for 1 minute and continue by reducing the run (4, 3, 2, 1) maintaining the 1 minute walk. A friend recommended these to me, and although I resisted for *so long* I must admit they are quite fun and do seem to help with fitness.

This year I decided to challenge myself more by doing a Conqueror challenge. I kept seeing the Lord of the Rings ones on Facebook and was tempted but the price put me off. Then I saw they did a set-your-own-goal year challenge and I was sold (on New Year’s Eve, shortly before going out). I guessed a goal of 1,750km would push me to more than I normally do – this works out at just under 34km a week. I run approximately 14km a week so I need to add 20km of walks. During lockdown we also started walking a lot more, on days I don’t run I always try to go for a walk around the village, so this seemed vaguely do-able but still a challenge.

Anyway, all of this is to say I plan to record my progress on this blog each month.

January stats

  • January total: 215km (12.3% of total)
  • Total distance: 215km (12.3% of total)
  • Remaining Distance: 1,535km
  • Runs: total 46km
    • 6 x 5km outdoor runs
    • 1 x Fartlek 1 (3km)
    • 1 x Fartlek 2 (4km)
    • 2 x Treadmill (1x3km, 1x6km)
  • Other exercise: Total approx 169km
    • All walking
  • Days exceeding 5,000 steps*: 27
  • Days exceeding 10,000 steps*: 11
  • Average distance per day: 6.9km

*I aim to do 5,000 steps a day, which is a thing I have tried to do for years so including here because why not

I’m really enjoying doing this so far and finding it quite motivating, but it is only February! At the moment I have the app connected to Strava for runs/long walks, but also Apple Health (I delete the duplicate distances) so it captures what I call ‘ambient steps’ (short walks to shops, walks around the house etc through the day). I may remove this connection if I stay far ahead to make it more challenging, as I think Health is basically guessing.

What do you think?

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